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Open call: Gallery exhibition

Annantalo is looking for exhibition proposals for the second floor gallery in late autumn 2024 – early 2025.

An exhibition or work that can be representative of any art form. Both individual artists and groups can apply. Propose a new work or set of works, an existing one, or one that is still incomplete. The exhibition period is 4 months and runs from December 2024 to March 2025. It is also possible to compile a group exhibition of the proposals. During this period, the exhibition theme at Annantalo is sound, but the proposal does not need to be related to the theme.

The application period is from 31 May to 4 August 2024

Submit your application with the following form: link to the Annantalo open application form.

The link to the form closes at 11:59 pm on 4 August 2024. 

The application submitted with the form must include:

  • plan for the proposed exhibition/work for the gallery
  • a description of the background and objectives of the proposal and its link to Annantalo’s target audiences
  • information on technical needs (equipment, including possible need for technical personnel to help with set-up)
  • an estimate of the necessary materials and costs (also specify any existing funding)
  • thoughts and ideas about a possible ancillary programme (e.g. workshop, performance, lecture, discussion, etc.)
  • image material and links to possible video works
  • resume and other supporting material for your application

A prize of 900 euros will be paid for the selected exhibition or participation in a group exhibition. In addition, Annantalo will help with the set-up of the exhibition, and can provide technology and work stands. A separate compensation is paid for any workshop activities or presentations.

Choices are decided by a panel consisting of Annantalo staff, teachers and students. Choices will be announced no later than September. The jury may select several proposals for implementation or propose a joint exhibition to the applicants.

Exhibitions at Annantalo

Annantalo's galleries are for the art centre's own use, i.e. they are not rented out. The activities are based on exhibitions, which are carried out in cooperation with various players, such as artists, organisations and schools. Exhibitions have an artistic educational purpose and are related to the world of children or young people – exhibitions or works do not have to be made specifically for children.

Annantalo's largest target groups are early childhood education (4–6-year-olds) and primary school children (7–12-year-olds). In addition, there are programmes for secondary school children and young people. Families are a significant target group, due to which we also aim to provide art experiences for adults. Exhibition content may be aimed at a specific target group, but it is worth noting that exhibitions are visited by people of all ages.

At Annantalo, teaching is held in several different art subjects for different groups. Teaching during the day is mainly for school groups and evening classes are for hobby groups. The themes that emerge from the exhibitions are often discussed as part of art education. In connection with the exhibitions, Annantalo holds open programmes, workshops, guided tours and events. In addition, open workshops, such as Saturday Workshops, Art Clinic and Making Art Stuff workshops often handle the same themes as the exhibitions.

What to consider for your proposal

In particular, think about how the exhibition/piece/side show will address children, young people or families. The theme or content doesn't have to be obvious, simple or made specifically for children, but when it comes to larger topics, it's a good idea to think about ways to explain it or related themes to a younger audience.

Also include a suggestion on what kind of auxiliary program the exhibition could include: for example, would you be interested in holding an artist meet-and-greet, visiting our art classes, holding a workshop or performance, or participating in Annantalo's concepts, such as Art Clinic or Making Art Stuff. Annantalo has extensive expertise in working with children and we are happy to help if you are not familiar with working with children and young people.

Things to consider regarding planning and set-up:

  • Annantalo has a steward, but the exhibition premises do not have a separate exhibition supervisor.
  • The exhibition is always open during the opening hours of Annantalo (mainly Mon-Fri 9am-8pm and Sat 10am-4pm, closed on Sundays)
  • The exhibition space is on the 2nd floor at the southern end of the Glass Gallery. Both the corridor side and the exterior wall consist of windows. The other two walls have tiles that facilitate direct attachment.
  • It is partly possible to place parts of the work in the corridor. There are hanging rails next to the walls in the corridor.
  • The gallery has a fixed audio system (stereo, 4 fixed speakers) and a fixed light rail (using light fixtures such as mini profile lights). The room can be made fully dark.
  • It is possible to visit the space independently during the Annantalo opening hours
  • The size of the gallery is approx. 33m2 (width 5.1 m, depth 6.2 m and height approx. 4 m). 

Submit your application with the following form: link to the Annantalo open application form.

The link to the form closes at 11:59 pm on 4 August 2024. 

The application can be submitted in Finnish or English. 

For more information and inquiries, please contact producer Harri Piispanen, harri.piispanen(at)hel.fi.