A group of senior volunteers operates at Annantalo, who plan a thematic art workshop day once a year. The event is aimed at families with children. The aim of the event is to support arts education in homes and to channel the tacit knowledge of people who have done their life's work in the field of art and education into active arts education activities.
Volunteers are expected to be able to become excited and be willing to work in a group according to common arts education goals.
Become a volunteer and contact Annantalo's Älyvapaat contact person, Cultural Producer Harri Piispa.
If you are interested now or will be in the future in volunteering for the City of Helsinki, subscribe to the newsletter. In the newsletter, you will find up-to-date information about volunteer training, lectures, events and assignments. The newsletter is published about 4–5 times a year.
Sign up for the volunteer newsletter. The link will take you to the Gruppo form of the City of Helsinki's volunteer work. The page is in Finnish.
Cultural Producer Harri Piispanen, harri.piispanen (at)hel.fi, +358 (0)40 121 6753